OpinionArchives builds and sells electronic archives for leading journals of opinion. We provide an
accessible and invaluable source of information for students, researchers and the general public. For over
15 years, OpinionArchives has been creating leading newspaper and opinion journal archives widely used
by thousands of libraries.

OpinionArchives is the exclusive provider of these journals in their entirety.  While several of the archives
are available elsewhere, and aggregators have 5-10 years of content, there is no other source for this
valuable collection of primary source information starting in 1850. From the first page published to the
current editions, the archive is full text searchable with PDF displays of the articles.  From domestic to
international, coverage of politics, arts, culture from leading authors, poets, journalists and statesmen
provide an extraordinary research tool for students, faculty and patrons.

OpinionArchives believes that creating high quality archives of diverse perspectives provides an
accessible and invaluable source of information for students, researchers and the general public. For over
15 years, OpinionArchives has been creating leading newspaper and opinion journal archives widely used
by thousands of libraries. Search the full text of almost 1100 years of archives including Harpers Magazine,
Dissent, The New Yorker, The New Republic, The Nation, Commentary, NACLA, Commonweal, American
Spectator, National Review, The Progressive, The Weekly Standard, Moment, The Washington Monthly,
Orion, The New Leader and The New York Review of Books.

We use industry leading technology and browser based searching with links to major search engines.
Articles are available on a subscription basis with volume purchases available. Unrestricted as well as
restricted access to accommodate all levels of budget from individuals looking for a research topic, to
widely used scholarly coverage of significant issues going back 157 years.  Reporting, control, access,
and security of these important electronic assets are included.
From progressive perspectives to conservative coverage, domestic as well as international coverage of
Politics, Arts, Books and Culture. Join the 100's of thousands of customers who've found these archives to
be a responsible and thorough presentation of primary resource material. This archival collection is a
breathtaking assemblage of words and images from the most thought-provoking writers, activists and
artists. The archives enable researchers to access invaluable historical material in ways never before
possible. Every page is provided in PDF format and searchable by keywords, authors and/or dates. An
invaluable resource for educators, providing in-depth analysis of topics such as the cold war, the
Arab-Israeli conflict, American foreign policy, defense, the Supreme Court, affirmative action, welfare,
crime, immigration, religion, education, art, literature, militarism, human rights violations, environmental
destruction, classical music, and much more.

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